
This is intended to be a stacks project for complex analytic spaces and non-Archimedean analytic spaces.

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This is intended to be a Stacks Project for complex analytic spaces and non-Archimedean analytic spaces.

Ymir is a giant from Nordic mythology, who gave birth to a male and a female from his armpits. For us, Ymir contains two subclasses: a complex analytic part and a rigid analytic/Berkovich analytic part.

We will freely make use of all results from Stacks Project.

Current structure

Part 1 Preliminaries

To do: include the Archimedean theory

To do: include further details.

Part 2 Complex analytic spaces

To do: remove the Hausdorff assumptions.

To do, include Gorenstein, local complete intersection. Products.

To do, include Grauert’s direct image theorem. Include separated, proper, smooth morphisms, etc.

To do, reproduce Kiehl’s proof that the flat locus is co-analytic.

Part 3 Non-Archimedean analytic spaces

To do: include Ducros’ proof of the excellence of affinoid algebras

To do: reproduce the first half of Berkovich93 PIHES. Include the theory of rigid analytic spaces.

Unwritten parts